
GAMMN: A Backgammon Board Built to Go Anywhere.

Created by Wyatt & Ashley

GAMMN is a lightweight, durable backgammon board. Travel friendly, full of thoughtful details, and built to last a lifetime.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Important -- Address Change Deadline
8 days ago – Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 09:15:46 AM

Helloooo backers & happy Friday!

A quick update here for everyone before the holiday weekend: we will start shipping the week of September 9th (YAY!!!). 

Since we now have a more clear shipping timeline, the final date to change your shipping address will be this coming Wednesday, September 4th. After Wednesday all shipping addresses will be locked as we need to import all orders into our fulfillment system. 

If you need to change your shipping address, please let us know as soon as possible and we are happy to help you out!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].

Wyatt & Ashley

TGIF! Finally, some good news!
22 days ago – Fri, Aug 16, 2024 at 08:54:57 AM

Hi backers,

As always, thank you for your continued support & patience! We finally have some good news to share - all of the blemish issues with the mold have been fixed and we are getting back on track!

With all of those issues now behind us, we will be entering into production next week!

That being said, we are going to be busy making sure everything goes properly so we can get these to you ASAP, and we will update everyone at the end of the month with our estimated ship date.

Can I still update my shipping address?

Yes, this can still be done! While we have charged for shipping, we have not locked in the shipping addresses yet so those are still editable.

We really value YOU:

We sincerely appreciate your continued patience, support, and enthusiasm for GAMMN. We know these setbacks have been frustrating, but we truly believe our commitment to quality will make the wait worth it.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].


Wyatt & Ashley

Quick Update - August 6th
about 1 month ago – Tue, Aug 06, 2024 at 11:24:23 AM

Hi backers!

We just wanted to reach out & give a quick update. 

The mold is on its way back from the resurfacing company (as of yesterday afternoon) and should return back to our manufacturer in NH by end of week.  They then will need to go through another round of testing, so we will have a more detailed update and timeline for everyone next week.

We are hoping that with this second round of resurfacing we have now cleared the final hurdle, fingers crossed!

We sincerely appreciate your continued patience, support, and enthusiasm for GAMMN! As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].

Thank you,

Wyatt & Ashley

A Transparent Update on Your GAMMN Board & Our Commitment to Quality
about 2 months ago – Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 02:37:20 PM

Hi Backers,

While we hoped to have good news to share, we've hit another unexpected delay. Our mold arrived back from Michigan last Friday and was tested on Monday (7/22). We were so excited to move forward, but unfortunately, the boards needed an additional update. We know this is frustrating news, and we sincerely apologize for the continued wait.

We will try to keep this brief, but also want to keep you all informed and be transparent as possible, so here is a quick backstory. NOTE: If you do not care about any of the technical details, please just skip down to the bottom of this update for the key points!

Back in December of 2023 we received our first sample board from the mold manufacturer (different from who manufactures the boards WITH the mold), and while the board looked great, our logo was in the wrong location, and worse, backwards. This was the handiwork of a freelance designer who, long story short, left us a mess to clean up. Luckily, the mold manufacturer was able to fix the logo issue via welding it and machining it down again (this is pretty standard procedure).  The one fallback with this is that the metal in that part of the mold is not quite the same and requires special attention when texturing is applied.

Back to the original blemish, while the experts in Michigan prepared to fix the blemish caused by material testing they noticed the small welded area (from the initial logo error) and reached out to our manufacturer. Their concern was this area could become visible during manufacturing but the counter to that is if they were to overdo the satin/matte texture, the texture may no longer match the texture of the other side of the board (the side with no issues). Erroring on the side caution they only lightly resurfaced the mold.  Unfortunately, they’re concerns were correct, and while testing yesterday this new blemish appeared, which is only visible at an angle, but it is visible none the less. Our manufacturer had already been on the phone with the resurfacing company Monday morning, and having discussed the results, was informed the blemish can be eliminated, but they would need the mold sent back.

We're so close to shipping these out, we can see the finish line, and we promise it will be worth the wait!

What This Means for Your Delivery:

We are now aiming to ship boards out by mid-August. We'll continue to keep you updated with more concrete timelines as we progress.

A Note on Shipping:

Some of you have asked about shipping charges. We processed these a few weeks ago when we were expecting to ship imminently, but were unfortunately hit with the first delay. Rest assured, shipping addresses can still be updated if needed. We apologize for any confusion caused by the early charge.

Our Commitment to You:

We understand your disappointment and want to assure you that our commitment to quality remains unwavering. We are working tirelessly to overcome these challenges and get your GAMMN board in your hands as soon as possible.

We REALLY Value Your Support:

We sincerely appreciate your continued patience, support, and enthusiasm for GAMMN. We know these setbacks have been frustrating, but we truly believe our commitment to quality will make the wait worth it.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].

Thank you,

Wyatt & Ashley

An Update on Your Gammn Board & Our Commitment to Quality
about 2 months ago – Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 10:17:16 AM

Hi Backers, 

We wanted to follow up on our last update regarding the production of your GAMMN board. As we mentioned in June, the mold required some adjustments and was sent to Michigan for resurfacing. Great news – the process has started, and we expect the mold to be returned to us within the week!

As soon as it's back in New Hampshire, our team will conduct thorough testing to ensure the highest quality. We're committed to getting these boards in your hands as soon as possible, but we won't compromise on quality.

We know delays are frustrating, and trust us, we share your disappointment. We've been working tirelessly to resolve this issue and appreciate your patience as we navigate these unexpected challenges.

What This Means for Your Delivery:
Our goal remains to ship your Gammn board by the end of the month. However, we can't confirm the exact shipping date until the mold is back and final testing is complete. We promise to keep you updated every step of the way, and we'll post another update with the shipping timeline as soon as we have the green light to continue manufacturing.

We (Truly) Value Your Support:
This process has been quite a journey, and we're incredibly grateful for your continued support and enthusiasm for Gammn. We can't wait to get these boards into your hands – it'll be worth the wait!

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].

Thank you again for being part of the Gammn community! We couldn't do this without you and appreciate your enthusiasm and support!

Ashley and Wyatt